You can't do it alone
Depression is not a sign of weakness. Strong people fall into it. Sometimes, saying you are depressed, will volunteer enough symptoms to confirm easily the accuracy of their own self-diagnosis. If not, a few simple questions will quickly confirm the diagnosis: How long have you felt this way? Do you wake up every morning feeling impossible? Is every little decision a major burn out to you these days? Do you find that you cannot make yourself do the simplest household chores, that you used to do easily? Do you hate yourself for it and sink further? Do people tell you to cheer up, and you don't know-how, and then hate yourself for hating them? Often, most depressives will unhesitatingly say, "Oh, yes," to all or most of these questions, grateful that you understand. "Depression seldom hits as severely those who have the gift of tears or the ability to rage. It is the stoic, the philosophic cont...